One of my friend is moving this week so I made those tutus for her daughters.
The first one is lavender pixie cut, way cute! I am way into black and hot pink those days, so I made the second one using more black than pink ( after every three strips of black, I put a hot pink) I really like them both and
kind of really want to keep them for Princess G... Luckily, they won't fit but maybe I will make her one this summer. Hope the girls will have fun dressing up with the tutus, I will sure miss having them around!
Yesterday, I got those cute burp rags from Emily at
Insanity Rules.Aren't they cute... Now all I need is another sassy girl to burp (no I am not pregnant or planing on it anytime soon) or AM I? hmmm!You should go visit her and read a very funny story about her kids head.
Thank you so much Emily, I love them !!!!
Ps. Still need some guess posts for the end of this month...If you are interested, please let me know :)