I made this cute skirt for Princess G last ans let just say, it was a bit of challenge since I was making it up as I go along...I should learn to follow direction... After sawing and cutting and undoing ( a lot) I finally got and I must say, turned out way too. This got to be my Favorite skirt I've made for Princess G and I am even thinking making me a matching one ( we'll see if i still remember how i did it). After I was done with the skirt, I decided to make a matching tote bag which turned out way cute. It is really soft because I put bathing inside , she already fill it in with her two big eyes stuff puppy that Loves so much.
I am starting to really enjoy this whole sawing , I am having a whole lot of fun and I am surprisingly getting a lot better without using pattern.
I add ribbons to it because I feel like I need a trademark (if that is what they call it) since I like to make bows, I usually put ribbons on everything. See how my straight line sawing is getting a lot better :)
Here is the tote bag, again I added bows because I decided that will be my thing ( if anyone know what work I am looking for let me know). I LOVE the fabric and all the color combinations and the flowers...It is even prettier in person :)
Ignore the little hand trying to take the skirt, she really love it :)
She thought it was more fun sitting down or running away while I try to take a few pictures of her...She was actually laughing the whole time...Little stinker, so I have a whole lot of blurry pictures :(
Would you like a tutorial for the tote bag? I am not sure I could do one for the skirt, maybe one day, when I get much better and comfortable with my sawing machine!
Linking HERE
Have an awesome weekend everyone!