Sunday, March 18, 2012

What I Made Last Night

 Made the tie for my son for Autism Awareness Month
 I love this little outfit and the color... My fist time using a pattern ( I got confuse half way and continue without). It is a little bit but not very noticable and she can wear it for a while♥
It was raining/ snowing outside so the only decent pictures I was able to get of her wearing it was while she was watching TV, he he he!

Will be sharing HERE

4 Lovely Note(s):

Unknown said... 1

Love the tie and your princess' outfit! so cute! Thanks for sharing, Suze. So glad to see you again at the party! we missed you!


Irish Italian Blessings said... 2

LOOOOOVE the tie, So cute!

lovinangels said... 3

Look how big she's getting! You are so talented :D

lovinangels said... 4

Look how big she's getting! You are so talented :D