Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Now is the time...

Have you told your love ones how much you love then and appreciated them... Well, if you haven't now is the time...So, get off the computer and go tell them, because one day, it maybe too late. 
Found out today, That one of my Aunt pass away this evening and I do wish I had told her that I love her even though I have never met her but she is my dad' sister and I do LOVE HER VERY MUCH. I do know that one day, I will get to see her and meet her until then she will be miss :(

2 Lovely Note(s):

Megan said...

Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. You're right - it is always important to let people know how you feel. Just know that she is in a better place now.

Emily said...

Sorry Suze that's always so difficult.