Friday, May 27, 2011

Bows, Bows and lot of them

It is almost summer, which mean Princess G. need s a summer collections bows...Right?! So, I made her a few a lot of them, still working on some more, but I figure I post those for now and plus I run out if clips. This is my first time doing a lot of those layer bows and I really like them even tough they take a little longer to make.

 Sugar and Spice Bows

 Cougar Bows...Now, I just need to get working on her cheerleading outfits!

 So Sassy Bows

 Pink and Yellow Bows

 Deema ( from bubble guppies) Bows

 Summer Bows
Finally, My little models working their bows :)

Do you like them?
Which is/are your favorite?

Head over HERE if your cutie must have some!!!

10 Lovely Note(s):

Irish Italian Blessings said... 1

You are SO talented!! Any advice on how to get my daughter to keep bows in her hair?? : )

Quirky Homemaker said... 2

they are all very, very cute! Love the bottlecap bows! Thanks for visiting with us again at the Sit and Relax weekend hop!! Have a great week,
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

Camille said... 3

Your bows are amazing!!! You are incredibly talented! Thanks for sharing! I love the BYU bow. :)
I am your newest follower- and I would love to have you stop by my blog and follow back if you would like to!
Camille @

Nicole @ Two and Two is 4 said... 4

They are so cute!!! Great job!!

lovinangels said... 5

I love, love, love the yellow bows!

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said... 6

Hehe, so cute Suze! Love the "action" shots <3 I especially like the pink and yellow bow, so bright and colourful!

Thanks for linking these up at H&H! xx

Unknown said... 7

they are all so cute, Suze! and your models are all so pretty! I love the pink one most ^^) thanks for sharing! Have a fab weekend!

AllieMakes! said... 8

Very cute! I'm sad there are no Aggie bows in there, though ;)
Great job!
Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

Michelle L. said... 9

So fancy, fun and adorable! I love the More Spice one.

Jill said... 10

Just beautiful! My favourites are the so sassy green ones!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success