It is my pleasure to introduce the Wonderful Jayna. She has some pretty cool stuff going on in her blog...You guys are going to love her. Sooooo, go get to know her a bit.
Thanks so much to Suze for having me over.
I am crazy excited to be here hanging out with you lovely ladies.
Let me introduce myself,
I'm a mom of fun and games.
Over there my motto is
"A rockin' life fueled by LOVE."
So, that is a main focus of my blog,
making a life that rocks because my family and friends know that I love them.
I showcase items I make for my boys.
I highlight antics that happen here at home
I share some yummy recipes
And of course I show the crafty fun stuff that I make to satisfy my girly side.
Some of my weekly features are
What I Wore Wednesdays
where I share some of my wardrobe with my readers
Frugal Fridays
where I encourage others to be frugal via my great finds
and links to other places that can help save on the pocket book.
In addition to my blog I run an ETSY shop
where I have the same goals of furnishing mom's of boys with a place
to find awesome items for themselves and their kiddos.
I do have items for little girls too, but since I am a boy mom I often focus on the little guys
I am now taking sponsors.
I have some lovely new sponsors, including Suze.
All of my opportunities are currently free, and will be for some time,
so please come and check out the options.
Please stop on by.
I love having guests.
It is one of my joys in life to entertain others.
You can also check me out on
Thanks again to Suze for having me over.
It has been such a pleasure.
I hope that moving goes well.
Thank you Jayna for coming over and share your wonderful blog with us.
Now, go visit her and give her some blog "love", you won't regret it :).